A Christmas Story

I made this as a video at first, and i will post that later. These Images are from the Movie. Enjoy!

This is Alissa E. Mckay

The E. is for Elizabeth.

She Thought she had the perfect life, untill her parents broke up.Thats when her whole happy-go lucky world fell apart. They still lived together, at least untill they get the papers for divorce. Alissa fought with her mom, blaming her mom for everything. "Its all your fault mom! Why? WHY?!?!?! why didnt you think of me? why didnt you think of your kids?? fredrick and Lisa are just happy as i am, and mom.. I am NOT happy at all!" Her Mom was used to this from Alissa by now, but she didnt like it at all, she loved her daughter so much..She didnt want to see her so hurt inside "Honey" she said "how about a hug to make it better?"

"No!! mom, you broke up with dad-NO!!"

After that, Alissa's mom, Cindy, wondered why Alissa was taking this so hard.

In the meantime, Alissa sat on the stairs, with fredrick, and Lisa "Seriously, Fredrick, i am NOT being hard on mom. She deserves it!" Fredrick frowned "No she does NOT!" Alissa looked down "are you.....saying....your....Happy about it?" she cocked her head and looked at him, tears filling her eyes. Fredrick look lik he regreted yelling at her, and shook his head "No way!! i am as mad at mom as you are, i am just saying, Why are you pouring all of your stress on mom? it could have just as well have been dad's fault." Alissa nodded "your right, absolutly! I have an idea." Fredrick raised an eyebrow "Does this involve Revenge and awsome plots?????!!!?!" Alissa looked at him funny "uh.. no, are you demented?" fredrick looked hopeless "Darn it, then what ARE you going to do?"

"Its a secret"

"Tell me, tell me, TELL ME!!!!!!!"

"I have to get them back together!"


"Well I am, but uh..how am I?? I think i am gonna go sit on the diving board and think!"

"No one cares where your going, sis. just go get it done"

"ok ok gosh!"

"Ok" she said to herself "I have, an exelant plan!"

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