
Alrighty everyone,this has absolutly NOTHING todo with sims 2, i will just write regular stories untill i can get pictures on! ____Enjoy___

Kali looked at her shoes. She was about to leave for school "Mom!" she said " cant i go to school, in like, seven years?? do i have to go now??" her mom looked at her and smiled "Yes honey, you do, you are going ino 5th grade, its to late to drop out now!" she said, sarcastically. Kali looked at her mom with a half grin. "you said that when i went into 2nd grade!" Kali laughed and walked out the door "Bye mom!"

Those were the days, I had a great family, a loving mom and dad, and an adorable little sister, untill, it happened. The plane, the man, the gun, and the loss. I remember it, as if it had just happened, The plane, the man, the gun, the loss.

Hi, my name is Kali, and this is my story, as a write this, tears trekle down my cheek.

My dad was abot to leave for hawaii, so, since we lived in minnesota, he had to get into a plane, Oh how i hated planes, My mom told me more crashes happen in cars,bikes, and motercycles then in planes "Yeah mom, I know" I said "but a lot of those crashes, have survivors, mom, if dads plane crashes, well, theres no ways he will live! Cant he just DRIVE to Hawaii??"
I was dumb. but i was 10, i didnt no much about the u.s. of. a, and how my dad couldnt just drive over an ocean. But, my mom just laughed. " i will ask him, sweetie" I smiled. it was 9:30 and i had to go to bed. I tuked Lilly into bed, my little sister, its not like my mom made me, i just loved my sister so much, she was only 2! what was there not to love?

I went to sleep, but i just couldnt! I was thinking about my dad, i couldnt stop thinking anout him, I didnt want him to die!

I saw the light threw my eyelids, i must of fallen asleep, cause once i opened my eyes, it was morning. but there was somthing else, i saw my moms legs. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. My moms eyes were all watery. " down....plane....gone....." i just mouthed the words "wha-?" My mom cleared her throat " your..dads.plane went down into the water..last night" and on the word night, she broke out into a fit of cries. I did not cry. because some where in my mind, my sub-concious was teling me, he was still alive.

......TO BE CONTINUED......

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