Christmas Story 3

Alissa laid there, for 3 or 4 hours. Alissa woke up "where, where am I?" Of course its the remote thing to say, but oh well. She found out she was on an examining table. They were giving her an autopsi! "Stop! I am ALIVE stoppppppp! please stop cutting me open!" She began to cry. The docter looked at her, and the ripped her open. "noooooooooooo" cried her mother "Shes Alive! Dont hurt her!" Alissa Fell asleep..or did she die? "Honey Wake up!" her mom was crying "Pleaseeeeee wake up! your Scaring me!" Alissa opened her eyes, She was in her bed, and best of all she was not cut open. Her mom stared at her. "oh migod, your alive!"

"Mommy Im sorry, for everything! hating you, yelling at you, trying to commit suicide, almost dying, scaring yo-" "Back up sweetie, you tried to commit suicide!?!?!?"

"Yeah....Mom, cause I thought you hated me. Cause' I hated you..."

"Never!! Your my child, gods gift to the world, never."

(Due to my computer being shut down in 10 sec. this will have) TO BE CONTINUED....

A Christmas Story 2

Alissa entered her house. "Honey-"

"Dont call me that Cindy. My name is Alissa!"

"Alissa, Me and Fredrick are going to the store, we will be back in an hour or so."

"And what about dad, Cindy"

"Hone- Alissa, please call me mom, dad is at work with Lisa. Take care, dont burn the house down, and if you do, remember 911, ok, Honey-er Alissa?"

"Yeah sure mom."


Alissa decided, it was time to put her Plan into action "I call it" she said to herself "Plan Hurt myself!" Altough Alissa was to old for an imaginary friend, she told her plans to Her."Mimi, this is how it goes, ill get dressed into my pjs, and lay at the door step on the inside mom will open the door, screem, and my "injury" will bring my mom and dad together." Mimi looked at her "what if your mom calls the docter, what will you do.....??"

"That wont happen!"

"what if it does?"


"I am just saying, what if she does?"

Alissa thought about it. So many thoughts filled her head "Why were you so mean to your mother?" "All she did was love you!!" "You must die. die now! die NOW!!!" alissa didnt like these thoughts.

"FINE!!" she said very loudly, got dressed into her pajamas. and walked up the stairs, mostly because she was scared of her own thoughts and she was home alone, she wanted it to stop, she wanted it to end. she went up the stairs, and threw herself down the stairs, making sure to hit her head, VERY hard. She thought it would be a certain death. The thoughts of graves were still in her mind . "Get.....-" she said, her breath heavy, her head hurt so badly she could barly make ou the words "Out" and with that, she fell into un-consioussniss

A Christmas Story

I made this as a video at first, and i will post that later. These Images are from the Movie. Enjoy!

This is Alissa E. Mckay

The E. is for Elizabeth.

She Thought she had the perfect life, untill her parents broke up.Thats when her whole happy-go lucky world fell apart. They still lived together, at least untill they get the papers for divorce. Alissa fought with her mom, blaming her mom for everything. "Its all your fault mom! Why? WHY?!?!?! why didnt you think of me? why didnt you think of your kids?? fredrick and Lisa are just happy as i am, and mom.. I am NOT happy at all!" Her Mom was used to this from Alissa by now, but she didnt like it at all, she loved her daughter so much..She didnt want to see her so hurt inside "Honey" she said "how about a hug to make it better?"

"No!! mom, you broke up with dad-NO!!"

After that, Alissa's mom, Cindy, wondered why Alissa was taking this so hard.

In the meantime, Alissa sat on the stairs, with fredrick, and Lisa "Seriously, Fredrick, i am NOT being hard on mom. She deserves it!" Fredrick frowned "No she does NOT!" Alissa looked down "are you.....saying....your....Happy about it?" she cocked her head and looked at him, tears filling her eyes. Fredrick look lik he regreted yelling at her, and shook his head "No way!! i am as mad at mom as you are, i am just saying, Why are you pouring all of your stress on mom? it could have just as well have been dad's fault." Alissa nodded "your right, absolutly! I have an idea." Fredrick raised an eyebrow "Does this involve Revenge and awsome plots?????!!!?!" Alissa looked at him funny "uh.. no, are you demented?" fredrick looked hopeless "Darn it, then what ARE you going to do?"

"Its a secret"

"Tell me, tell me, TELL ME!!!!!!!"

"I have to get them back together!"


"Well I am, but am I?? I think i am gonna go sit on the diving board and think!"

"No one cares where your going, sis. just go get it done"

"ok ok gosh!"

"Ok" she said to herself "I have, an exelant plan!"

Ms.Kali 2

My mom looked at me "its ok" she said "too cry" I nodded, and left. As I grew older, my mom stopped caring about her looks, she quit her job, and we were spiriling into dept. I was 17 now, and old enough to move out, My mom wished me good luck, because even though were spiriling into debt, and she stopped caring about her looks, doesnt mean she stopped caring about us, in fact, she cared about us even more then she ever had, ever since my dads 'death'.

I pulled up to my new house, crying, because at this point, I started to believe my dads death.
I walked up to my house. thats al i have time to write

______Present day at the Mckay household______

Kali kissed her husband as she walked into her house ( she is 24 years old ) she made a cup of coffee. Thats when she heard a knock on the door "Is this Kali Mckay?" the man said "Yes" Kali replied. "We think we may have found your dad." Kali's eyed opened very wide "dead" she said "or alive...?"

________To Be Continued_______


Alrighty everyone,this has absolutly NOTHING todo with sims 2, i will just write regular stories untill i can get pictures on! ____Enjoy___

Kali looked at her shoes. She was about to leave for school "Mom!" she said " cant i go to school, in like, seven years?? do i have to go now??" her mom looked at her and smiled "Yes honey, you do, you are going ino 5th grade, its to late to drop out now!" she said, sarcastically. Kali looked at her mom with a half grin. "you said that when i went into 2nd grade!" Kali laughed and walked out the door "Bye mom!"

Those were the days, I had a great family, a loving mom and dad, and an adorable little sister, untill, it happened. The plane, the man, the gun, and the loss. I remember it, as if it had just happened, The plane, the man, the gun, the loss.

Hi, my name is Kali, and this is my story, as a write this, tears trekle down my cheek.

My dad was abot to leave for hawaii, so, since we lived in minnesota, he had to get into a plane, Oh how i hated planes, My mom told me more crashes happen in cars,bikes, and motercycles then in planes "Yeah mom, I know" I said "but a lot of those crashes, have survivors, mom, if dads plane crashes, well, theres no ways he will live! Cant he just DRIVE to Hawaii??"
I was dumb. but i was 10, i didnt no much about the u.s. of. a, and how my dad couldnt just drive over an ocean. But, my mom just laughed. " i will ask him, sweetie" I smiled. it was 9:30 and i had to go to bed. I tuked Lilly into bed, my little sister, its not like my mom made me, i just loved my sister so much, she was only 2! what was there not to love?

I went to sleep, but i just couldnt! I was thinking about my dad, i couldnt stop thinking anout him, I didnt want him to die!

I saw the light threw my eyelids, i must of fallen asleep, cause once i opened my eyes, it was morning. but there was somthing else, i saw my moms legs. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. My moms eyes were all watery. " down....plane....gone....." i just mouthed the words "wha-?" My mom cleared her throat " your..dads.plane went down into the water..last night" and on the word night, she broke out into a fit of cries. I did not cry. because some where in my mind, my sub-concious was teling me, he was still alive.

......TO BE CONTINUED......

So anyhow

So I REALLY and i mean REALLY need help fro anyone who knows or has an idea of how to do these things!

1. get pictures on the stories!
2.put the stories in the correct places! ( i have a specific spot for stories ------>
but the stories end up here!)
3. i will ask around, but comment this with some answers!